Norman Business Association
Norman Business Association

History of Leadership

     The Norman Business Association is a long-established organization dedicated to supporting Norman’s small business community.

     The following list of past presidents reflects a tradition of leadership within the club that has carried across the community. The leaders listed below have served beyond the NBA. contributing through elected positions within city government, county government, state government, civic organizations and a range of other business and professional capacities.  


NBA Presidents:

Kenny Adams, May 2023 through present  

Scott Richardson, June 2022 through May 2023

Larry Lilly, June 2020 thru May 2022

Chip Minty, May 2019 thru June 2020

Shane Vice, May 2018 thru May 2019

Jim Hess - May 2017 thru May 2018  

Karen Vahlberg - May 2016 thru May 2017
Dave Boeck - May 2015 thru May 2016
Ann Swanson - May 2014 thru May 2015
James Chappel - May 2013 thru May 2014
Jonathan Leavey - May 2012 thru May 2013
Bill Nations - May 2011 Thru May 2012
Dave Barger - May 2010 Thru May 2011
Sherry Rodgers - May 2009 thru May 2010
Andy Rieger - May 2008 thru May 2009
Don Wood - May 2007 thru May 2008
Steven M. Jones - May 2006 thru May 2007
Ed Thayer - May 2005 thru May 2006
Scott Martin - May 2004 thru May 2005
Dave Boeck - May 2003 thru May 2004
Mike Turek - May 2002 thru May 2003
Ted Greb - May 2001 thru May 2002
Bill Pain - May 2000 thru May 2001
Tom Sherman - May 1999 thru May 2000
Jonathan Leavey - May 1998 thru May 1999
Ron Henderson - May 1997 thru May 1998 (President twice)
Randy Kersey - May 1996 thru May 1997
Randy Woods - May 1995 thru May 1996
Adam Geurkink - May 1994 thru 1995
Jim Landrum - May 1993 thru May 1994
Marsha Ferrier - May 1992 thru May 1993
Larry Pace - May 1991 thru May 1992
Ron Henderson - 1990 thru May 1991
Ann Belknap - May 1990 (1 month and VP Henderson took over)
Ramey Foor - May 1989 thru May 1990
Linda Lockett - May 1988 thru May 1989 (first woman President)
Ed Copelin - May 1987 thru May 1988
Mike Hawley – 1986
Kim Bollinger - 1985
John Dwyer - 1984




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